Slow Process...

So, I had to leave town for a week of computer training, had friends staying with me for a weekend in Nashville, and then had my niece's, house progress has not been as fast as I would like (never is).

But few things have happened since my last post.  I came home one day after to work to find this Tonka toy in my driveway. My kind brother told me one day that he would pull out the bushes in my front yard as well as cut down the tree, and the next day by golly it was done.

Now, you can see the front my house.  I plan to close in the front porch, take the windows out and replace with a couple new windows, and center the door underneath the dormer. Eventually, I would like to add on a front porch, but we'll see what I get done with the rest of the house prior to spring/summer.

I have some great friends in my hometown, a few of the guys are sort of like adopted brothers.  So one day, my real brother takes bushes out and cuts a tree down for me.  I go out of town and I come back to find that an "adopted brother" surprised me by mowing my entire yard (1+ acre), cleaning up the front and doing who knows what with the boxwoods.  What a nice surprise!

This Saturday, the same "adopted brother" comes by with his four-wheeler on the trailer behind his truck (I love Southern Illinois).  He hooks the tree stump and pulls it to the backyard where the fire pit is.  He also takes the rest of the wood and stacks it up at the tree near the fire pit.

Because you see, not only is he helping a friend out, but my backyard is becoming a regular hangout with friends and some of these "adopted brothers."  My phone died before I could take more photos, but if you can burn a couch in one fire, you must try to top it or have some creative fun with the next one.  Prior to our bonfire, we had some discussions that somehow led to who has tried Spam and what your favorite cereal was growing up.  Turns out Cookie Crisp, Fruity Pepples and Captain Crunch's Crunch Berries were the clear winners and we (o.k., probably just me) had some serious cravings for these cereals.  So, this bonfire, among the normal hot dogs and chips, includes "Spam On A Stick" (in the photo) and Cookie Crisp, Fruity Pebbles and Crunch Berries (yes, with bowls, milk, the whole deal).

I graduated with all of these "brothers" in the photo, and am lucky to have these life-long friends.

By the way, another Southern Illinois thing.  When I left my house and drove down the main street of town, right smack in the middle of the road, in front of the funeral home, were two large deer.  Luckily, I didn't hit them, and at the next intersection was one of the town cops, so I just rolled down my window and told him. Moving from a big city to seeing deer in the middle of town's main street makes me laugh at the changes in my life.

Stay tuned for more demo, thus more bonfires. :)


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